Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wonder Wheel


In case you have not noticed, we no longer have Straws as a means to earn a spin on the Wonder Wheel. It seems the only spin we receive is from logging on. There has been some discussion of it on the GSN forum, but no official response from GSN.



  1. Ipod nano is available for the prize redeem~
    too bad i do not have enough points

  2. It sure seems that GSN is hell bent on driving away people rather than attracting them. Take away Challenge questions, take away Wonder Wheel spins, take away gift cards, have less and less prizes to redeem Oodles on, what are they thinking. I don't want to spend my time and effort getting Oodles just to waste then on entries into a sweepstakes that I something like a one in a million chance of winning. Face it GSN, your games aren't that good or unique and we can play them at dozens of other places for free too. I have so many Oodles saved up and I have no idea what to do with them anymore. I was trying to save for the t.v. or some other electronic item but they are all gone now. Bottom line, way too much work for too little in return. It may be time to bid a not so fond farewell to GSN.

  3. i think the are doing away with the wheel

  4. Yep.. I noticed that a couple of days ago... Looks like they are slowly deleting ways of earning oogles... Sad but must be a sign of the times! BTW: Thanks again for your Hard work maintaining this blog!

  5. The way I see it is chances to win Oodles come and go. It seems they will take away an opportunity for winning Oodles, but eventually they give us a new one. Same with prizes. They take away good ones then give us different ones later. I'll give you that the prizes aren't as good as they used to be, but's free! They don't have to give you anything. So, if you enjoy saving up Oodles and getting a pay off of something free once in a while keep playing, if not then don't.

    Bottom line. You can get some fun stuff for playing games you enjoy. If you want to.

    Have fun Oodlers!

  6. 240,000 Oodles, and nothing to spend them on. I started over a year ago with the promise that I could earn gift cards - soon, that turned out to be a lie. Then I set my sights on a Blu-Ray player - that was only a fleeting memory. Then, I figured I'd keep saving for the monster-screen TV. Oh well, maybe I can donate my collection to hungry kids in China someday...
    Repeated e-mails to GSN management have done no good. They keep claiming they want people to spend their Oodles on 'other exciting gifts' such as crime scene tape and virtual badges (ugh).

  7. I respectfully disagree with the comment made at 4:39 PM. If they list a prize as available, it should most always be in stock; otherwise, replace it with a comparable item. For me to have spent hundreds of hours of my free time saving up for no-longer-existent prizes is partially stupidity on my part, deceptive advertising on GSN's part, or at best (worst?) bait-and-switch.

  8. I still win a LOT of oodles with Dumbville, so I'm not too concerned about some options from the site being removed. However, I abhor the new prize center. And the general lack of gift cards stinks too. I do like the Movie and Book of the Months though. Gotten two blu-rays and a book so far. Still, more and better options would be really nice.

  9. It's wonderful that you feel that way. To each his own. I can tell you that you are in the elite minority judging by facebook and chatroom discussions. That being said, I think it is impossible for them to keep giving out high doller items. If they truely have 1 million oodlers and they cash in just once per year for a $100 prize, that's $100,000,0000 per year. Just sayin. I think this sight is heading for drawings which is more manageable, just like pogo. I may be wrong, but I'm cashing in at the next good opportunity.

    Have fun oodlers

  10. This is a reply to the 5:46 pm comment. Your math maybe correct for the retail value of the prizes but as to how much it actually costs GSN for the prizes and your concern for their profitability is misguided. Most if not all of the BIG dollar item and even many of the smaller ones that GSN uses for prizes are provided to them by sponsors as payment or partial payment for advertising so it costs GSN nothing. The ones that they pay for are bought at WHOLESALE prices and that's usually half or less of the retail cost. Don't feel sorry for GSN, they're just increasing their bottom line at the cost of the players.

  11. Just to clarify my original post, I don't feel sorry for GSN in any way. On the contrary, I will be cashing out at the next opportunity.
