Friday, November 13, 2009

Today's GSN Live Ooodles Results - Fri 11/13

Lingo Contestant Christine tells Chuck she has won international prizes for what talent? Ventriloquism

In response to Dindo and Mary's behavior in the second round of Lingo, Chuck jokingly forbids what activity? Kissing

What excuse does Richard Karn give for doubling the points in today's first Family Feud? Bill and James have been waiting

According to her conversation with Host Richard Karn, what gives Contestant Janice the chills? When Someone says "I Love You"

Deal or No Deal Contestant Anita English compares herself to what kind of railway carriage? Caboose

What special guest comes out to surprise Anita at the end of today's Deal or No Deal? Her Mamma


  1. Hi rowdydog, just wanted to once again say thanks for this blog. Im back under 20,000 oodles since i claimed my sony webbie cam. I see all these horror stories on the gsn forum about it taking 3 months for gift cards, 10 weeks for this and that. My sony webbie showed up today and its been like 2 weeks tops. But oh well, this blog rocks.

  2. You're welcome.

    I have about 80,000 Oodles right now. I'm waiting for the Amazon gift cards to get back in stock. For the couple I already got, it only took about 3-4 weeks to get them. But, they have been out for a long time.

  3. I have redeemed several gift cards myself having been doing this since about two weeks after Rowdydog based on my questions being two weeks behind and have only had it take a long time when the gift cards are e-mailed to me and not mailed to me... go figure. I wouldn't complain though since really, no other TV station rewards you for watching.
    This blog is the best. I used to work from home and get a chance to watch all the time but now I need to work on it. Thanks Rowdydog.
