Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Today's GSN Live Ooodles Results - Wed 11/18

Lingo judge Shandi likens watching contestants Chad and Danforth to watching what? Cartoons

What folk remedy does Lingo host Chuck Woolery mention for curing a wart? Rubbing a potato on it

On Family Feud, what does Nisha say when Richard Karn asks her to name the American city with rudest people? Florida

Whose signature appears on the giant $60,000 check handed to the winners of Family Feud's Lovable Loser Finale? Jim Roush

What does the Deal or No Deal Banker send out to sweeten his offer of $136,000 to contestant Peter? One dozen doughnuts

Watch for today's Secret Word on GSN Live. Is it-- Toboggan


  1. I see someone got the TV... wonder if they used this blog to help or just watched and played since it started.

  2. Can you begin posting Bingo BLITZ winning #'s?

  3. Wendy....I would hope they used the blog for some of the Oodles, but I think they would have started in May or June to get that many. I only started this in September.

    Anonymous.....The only reason I don't post the Bingo Blitz numbers is that they are readily available on GSN's site and you can see them whenever you log on to get Oodles.
