Which of the following actors starred on Party of Five? Matthew Fox
Freddie Prinze played Chico on Chico and the Man. True
In this 1990 movie, "There was a crime, there was a victim, and there is punishment": Presumed Innocent
Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby starred in which movie together? White Christmas
Actress Nia Long played Will Smith's girlfriend on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. True
What signature article of clothing did Keanu Reeves wear in The Matrix? Black trench coat
What genre was the TV series Total Request Live? Music
On Firefly, what is the name of the ship on which the crew lives and works? Serenity
Which sport features in the film documentary Beyond the Mat? Wrestling
In which year was Live from the Met first broadcast on PBS TV? 1977
Who was the first host of Family Feud? Richard Dawson
Who dubbed Homer's half brother, Herb, on The Simpsons? Danny DeVito
Who was the father of Miranda's baby on Sex and the City? Steve
What was the first daily color TV series? Howdy Doody
Adam Sandler starred in which film, about a remote control? Click
Which of the following is not a Power Puff Girl? Bunny
What does Gollum call the ring in the Lord of the Rings films? My precious
In which 2000 movie did Robert De Niro play the character Jack Byrnes? Meet the Parents
Which director made the 2001 flick The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring? Peter Jackson
On Curb Your Enthusiasm, what is the name of Jeff and Susie's daughter? Sammie
What Quentin Tarantino film features Robert De Niro in its cast? Jackie Brown
Which character on The A Team had the rank of Lieutenant? Faceman
There were 100,000 televisions in New York City by 1931. False
In which of these movies did John Wayne's character NOT die? Big Jake
What R&B singer played Karla Wilson in I Still Know What You Did Last Summer? Brandy
What TV talk show host calls kids "cutie patooties"? Rosie O'Donnell
Boris and Natasha were whose enemies? Rocky & Bullwinkle
Yea, a new oodletunity....boy is it a mystery to me. Can't even feature how to start or be good at the play of Unwound Future. pellda@verizon.net