Monday, September 6, 2010

Today's GSN Live Oodles Results - Mon 9/6

What is Baggage contestant Smitty's biggest of piece of baggage? "I get drunk every single day"

According to Baggage contestant Daniel, what is an important part of any diet? Protein

On Baggage, contestant Michelle reveals that she won't do what alone? Ride elevators

Contestant Tabitha tells Baggage host Jerry Springer that she finds what kind of manly makeup "pretty hot"? "Guyliner"

Contestant Mara shows Baggage host Jerry Springer what unusual item she usually keeps in her car? Portable urinal

By his own admission, Baggage contestant Ian has the worst possible what? Credit score

Happy Labor Day!

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  1. Happy Labor Day to you! Hope you are having a good one. ;) Thanks for all the Oodles. =)

  2. Happy Labor Day to you as well Rowdydog, I hope you had a great week end. We should all take pause to think about all the people who have lost their jobs too. I wish them all the best and hope that they are able to find work soon. I know what it's like, haven't worked for far too long now.
