Thursday, June 3, 2010

Today's GSN Live Oodles Results - Thurs 6/3

Knowing contestant Matt's interest in horticulture, Lingo host Chuck Woolery says that the weather is perfect for what? Tomatoes

At one point on today's Lingo, Chuck Woolery gets excited and says all four players should do what? Form a band

What is the #1 answer to the Family Feud survey: name something a lot of people start but don't finish? Book

What was today's Secret Word on GSN Live? Milk

What does Deal or No Deal contestant Josey's grandfather shout in Italian after she rejects the Banker's $42,000 offer? "Angel from the sky!"

Deal or No Deal contestant Randy names his son after which professional sports team? Dallas Cowboys

1 comment:

  1. Hi Thanks so much i love this. Thank You, thank you,, Thank You, Now if I miss a answer I always get it right thanks to you. Have a nice Birthday and a great week with your family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thanks again... bj PS stay safe
