Monday, November 16, 2009

Today's GSN Live Ooodles Results - Mon 11/16

When pressured by Shandi, Lingo host Chuck Woolery admits he can do what? The Twist

Lingo contestant Kelly tells Chuck her job allows her to order around 15 what? Men

What was today's Secret Word on GSN Live? Chewy

According to Grandma Irene on today's second Family Feud, wives tell their husbands to get rid of what items? Old ashtrays

Despite the Banker asking, what won't Deal or No Deal host Howie do? Kiss the Banker

Contestant Nicole tells Howie that people always say what at the end of a polka dance? "One more time!"

Sorry to be so late......bad traffic coming home from across town. Tomorrow's may be a little late as well.


  1. Thank you very much for everything,keep up the good work and take your time no rush.

  2. Hey, it's okay! A lot of us appreciate you taking the time to help us fellow Oodler's out!!!! 8-)

  3. Thank you for your understanding. I appreciate it.
