Tuesday, May 11, 2010

1,000,000 Oodlers

From now until 9:30am Eastern tomorrow, it's time to double our Oodles.

Go for it!

p.s.: I'm keeping track of how many I win on a piece of paper so I can compare to later and make sure I get double.


  1. My wonder wheel is gone, and i had 25 spins saved.
    can's believe it!

  2. Hey Alex,

    I'm not sure what you mean by it's gone, but I just looked and mine is there with all the spins I had saved.

    Try emptying your temporary internet files and reopen your browser. That may help.

  3. My wonder wheel disappeared too. If you type "wonder wheel gsn" into google, you can find the link to it.

    Thats what I'm having to do =)

  4. The wonder wheel moved under the oodles tab on my set-up (I use firefox), no longer on sidebar. Also on the "my oodles" tab under oodles tab there is the option to see oodles history with a click button of "full oodles history". Each entry in that area identifies your oodles winning transaction. If you look at yesterday's last entry then at the end of today's you can get your numbers for today. I started using it to see if I ever earned oodles off the leader boards (I get about 80-100 oodles per week that way - I am not very good).

  5. People will have trouble finding their wonderwheel because it is not on the sidebar. You can get to your wonderwheel by adding /wonderwheel after gsn.com

    I'm keeping track to see if the Oodles really get doubled as well since they are not doubling them as we get them.

    Good luck all!

  6. When will they double the amount? At the end of the 24 hours?

  7. or click my oodles (your oodles balance on the top of the page) you will find it under ways to win.

  8. My wonder wheel is gone too. It's replaced the Red Baron Two Minute Challenge.

  9. As was said above, go to http://www.gsn.com/wonderwheel for easy access.

    The message board moderator said that you should give up to a week for the oodles to be doubled.

  10. What time did the double oodles start?

  11. my wonderwheel is not on the side bar neither, but its right under the oodles leaderboards above oodles game show trivia. GOOD LUCK

  12. To all the marathon Wonder Wheelers today: "It's a robot!"

  13. Has anyone noticed they get "cheated" on oodles sometimes. When the page refreshes the oodles don't show up no my wonder wheel history. I too kept track and realized I got cheated out of 217 oodles.
