Friday, May 28, 2010

QOD & Trivia Sat 5/29

Question of the Day - T.H. White was born on this day in 1906. His novel, The Once and Future King, is the story of what man? King Arthur

What actor directed Sean Penn in Mystic River? Clint Eastwood

Her real name is Caryn Johnson, but her stage name is: Whoopie Goldberg

What Gene Kelly film ends with an 18-minute ballet sequence with Leslie Caron? An American in Paris

What R&B group had #1 hits with "Bills, Bills, Bills", "Say My Name", and "Independent Women Part I"? Destiny's Child

What film found Claire Danes playing Meryl Streep's daughter? The Hours

"Bohemian Rhapsody", which was recorded by the English rock band Queen, was written by frontman: Freddie Mercury

Charlotte Bronte died unmarried. False

Which director is credited with breaking down the production code that put restriction on film content? Otto Preminger

Robert the Bruce: Was a Scottish King who fought against England

Name the band leader for David Letterman's late night talk show. Paul Shaffer

"I read the news today, oh boy," is the first line from this Beatles song: "A Day in the Life"

Who acted in the 1947 flick Black Narcissus? Deborah Kerr

Jonny Lee Miller and Angelina Jolie starred in this movie: Hackers

Who of the following was not a member of The Jackson 5? Levon Jackson

The kicks just keep getting harder to find. What '60s band wore Revolutionary War outfits on stage? Paul Revere and the Raiders

In Citizen Kane, Charles Foster Kane is a/an: Newspaper tycoon

What Spike Lee film cast Denzel Washington as a police detective? Inside Man

As portrayed by Robert De Niro in a Martin Scorsese movie, who was Travis Bickle? A taxi driver

Frank Capra directed all of the following except: Idlewild

Which 1996 bowling movie stars Woody Harrelson? Kingpin

Which of the following Velvet Underground albums did Lou Reed not play on? Squeeze

In The Recruit Al Pacino hires which actor to become a CIA agent? Colin Farrell

Which member of her family did Angelina Jolie bring to the Oscars in 1999? Her brother

Jack Nicholson played what character in Batman? Joker

Born in 1954 in New Jersey, this actor appeared in Look Who's Talking: John Travolta

What was the nickname given to Hollywood couple Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez? Bennifer

Who had the 1970 hit: "Love Grows"? Edison Lighthouse

What Nicolas Cage movie was almost named Cop Gives Waitress $2 Million Tip? It Could Happen to You

In the film Cast Away, what is Tom Hank's job? A FedEx executive

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