Wednesday, May 19, 2010

QOD & Trivia Thurs 5/20

Question of the Day - Three years ago today, what long-running Fox cartoon aired its 400th new episode? The Simpsons

What name did blues singer McKinley Morganfield adopt? Muddy Waters

Which comedy movie is about prison inmates forming a football team? The Longest Yard

Which actor was originally requested to play Jack Dawson in Titanic? Matthew McConaughey

In Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, what is Johnny Storm's power? He's a human fireball

Fill in the blank for the name of the film: Fight ________. Club

His real name was Lee Jacob, but what was his stage name? Lee J. Cobb

What cartoon character needs spinach to gain strength? Popeye

What character did Orlando Bloom play in The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy? Legolas

What actor also invented a diaper with pockets for moistened towlettes? Jamie Lee Curtis

The movie Liar Liar grossed over $180,000,000. What year was it released? 1997

What film features Sally Field as an overzealous investigative reporter? Absence of Malice

Who was originally supposed to play Indiana Jones? Tom Selleck

What star of Casablanca died on his or her own birthday in 1982? Ingrid Bergman

Phil Collins sang "Another Day in ______". Paradise

Be vewy, vewy quiet. Which Warner Brothers character was voiced by Arthur Bryan? Elmer Fudd

Roddy McDowall starred in which movie? Planet of the Apes

Singer/ songwriter Chan Marshall is also known as: Cat Power

Which of these is not a Johnny Depp movie? The Bourne Identity

Who played harmonica on Little Millie's hit "My Boy Lollipop"? Mick Jagger

For which film did Jennifer Connelly win an Academy Award? A Beautiful Mind

In which movie did Arnold Schwarzenegger first say the line, "I'll be back"? The Terminator

This group took its name from an eighteenth century agriculturist. Jethro Tull

John Candy was Uncle _______. Buck

Who is the ancient-times orator that used to practice speeches with stones in his mouth? Demosthenes

Leonardo DiCaprio starred in _______ Room. Marvin's

Who said: "Before anything else, preparation is the key to success"? Alexander Graham Bell

In which 2001 film did Jeremy Northam play Ivor Novello? Gosford Park

In music, what number note is a hemidemisemiquaver? 64th

Best-selling musician Reba McEntire is from where? U.S.

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