Friday, May 14, 2010

Today's GSN Live Oodles Results - Fri 5/14

What does contestant Felicia tell Lingo honcho Chuck Woolery she was doing in Korea? Karaoke

As he speaks to contestant Eric, Lingo's Chuck Woolery reveals he's selling what? His house

On today's first Family Feud, Richard Karn predicts that Denzel Washington will eventually play what role? The President

What was today's Secret Word on GSN Live? Moon

For the second game on Deal or No Deal, who is holding case #4? Howie's daughter Riley

Who comes out to surprise Deal or No Deal contestant Brett despite their enormous fear of flying? His wife


  1. Rowdydog, thanks again for helping us all. I know that you are not working for GSN or anything, but maybe you can answer this question for me. I know you have to wait 5 days until you can redeem a new prize. But what about sweepstakes? Two weeks ago, I won an amazon sweepstakes for $50. No reply from GSN. I did read on the boards that it said I had to wait 10 weeks to win another sweepstakes??? That's crazy. Please help??

  2. I don't enter the sweepstakes. I never win them.

    I did look at the rules for each of the sweepstakes and I did not see anything that states you have to wait 10 weeks to win another sweepstakes.

    If anyone knows differently or can point to that rule anywhere on the GSN website, please let us know.


  3. I think that's right - both the 5 days and 10 weeks. I was just looking into that recently because I bought something with oodles. By the way, people should know something about purchasing a prize with oodles. It won't be delivered for 6-8 weeks!! I didn't find out until after I bought it and I was a little miffed they didn't tell me ahead of time. I sent them an email asking if I could speed up the shipping and handling, either through additional oodles or even cash payment, and they said no. They said sometimes it comes early, but the standard is 6-8 weeks. I just think that should be common knowledge, so you may want to let people know that.

  4. Rowdydog, would it be too much trouble to ask you to post on the main page (not just comments) instructions on how to find comments from previous days? Sometimes I'll post comments and want to see replies, but I don't know how to look for them. I see the list at the bottom of this page, but it's a little confusing because of multiple links for the same day. If you could help, that would be awesome! Thanks!

  5. Each time I've redeemed my Oodles, GSN has sent a confirmation email that states items will be shipped within 4-6 weeks. They do usually come sooner than that. I've had a couple of items arrive in a week, but most were about 2-2 1/2 weeks.

  6. Hey guys,

    I am the original poster. I just found it on the help section which confirms it. 5 days for redeeming a prize, and 10 weeks for redeeming another sweepstakes. Personally, I think that is way too long. But hey, I don't shuffle the cards, I just read them.
