Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Today's GSN Live Oodles Results - Tues 5/18

At Lingo contestant Denise's small business, what do they eat? Fire

Which cooking-related word was not one of contestant Mary's guesses on today's second Lingo? Spoon

As she struggles to get comfortable at the podium, Family Feuder Jacqui reveals she possesses what rare ability? She's ambidextrous

What was today's Secret Word on GSN Live? Salami

What message does contestant Lisa find in a fortune cookie before coming on the Deal or No Deal stage? "The star of riches is shining on you"

What does Deal or No Deal contestant Lisa's grandmother threaten to do if Lisa doesn't stop gambling? Tackle her


  1. Not sure where you want to post this, but my family, friends and I got our "double Oodles" today. 2 of the accounts got what they should. 5 accounts got less than they should have. Several didn't notice right away and are not sure if they got what they should have. Not sure what to do about the accounts that did not get enough. One account should have gotten over 12,000 and only got a bit over 9,000. Another should have gotten over 5,000 and only got around 700. At least we got something.

    Did you get your double Oodles?

  2. Yes, I received my double Oodles yesterday (Tues) and, surprisingly enough, they were correct.

    I would look at the transactions for last Tuesday and add them up. If the total isn't doubled, then I would email help@gsn.com and let them know. Be sure to site the total earned per the transaction history.

    Good Luck!

  3. I actually ended up receiving quite a few more oodles than I should have, to the tune of almost 400. So... I'm a pretty happy camper =)

  4. I didn't think of looking at the history. Thanks for the advice. I'll take a look at that. I kept track on the day, but who knows?

    Thanks again!

  5. The double oodle day started Tuesday 05/11/2010 but do you know what time it started and what time it ended on Wednesday 05/12/2010? If anyone knows the time let me know what time zone so I can adjust it to central time. I think I was shorted as well. Thanks for the help.

  6. The promotion started at 10:30 am Eastern.
